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February 27, 2005
Breakfast with my father went quite well, a bit awkward, but we are still learning....that isn't what this post is about. On my way home from breakfast (Who knew so many church goers like VillageInn?) I drove past Sonic. Like any good fast food restaurant the sides of the building, railings, and any open post are covered with ads. One caught me by surprise. In bold yellow colors, next to the picture of a pressed-fish-parts-patty sandwich, were the words: Lenten Combo. This bothers me. I do not claim to know a lot about the workings of the Catholic religion but.....but....isn't the idea of Lent to give up / cut back on your excesses and indulgences? I understand that giving up meat is probably the most common Lent cut-out and that in our society fastfood is a staple to many.....but...does it seem a bit contradictory to cut out burgers but not fast food in general? I would think one of the best Lenten sacrifices would be fastfood. Maybe it's just me. Mark, Tessa, Brit....help me out? There is only a slight twinge of left over, "No seafood in a landlocked state!" |
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Mandyland |
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