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September 27, 2004
~Deep breath in through the nose, out through the mouth. One more time. Find your center. Relax. Hold it. Good. One more time. Focus!~ Nope, I will not be teaching the basics of yoga today. That is something that popped into my head today. I was watching my mentor teacher try to keep the seventh graders on task. One class is too quiet. The quiet that indicates they have no idea what's going on and may not even realize that you are speaking English. The other class cannot shut their mouths. Honestly, I think it is an impossibility. The eighth graders are a different story. They've learned the game. They know that they can still talk...as long as they look busy and can parrot back answers when called on. The rest of the day went very well. No serious disasters. I was mistaken for a sub for at least three periods, which was just funny. I think I can handle this. I am going to leave that open ended so I have an escape route later. ~Relax and breathe. Center your body. Let the stress seep out to the floor.~ The show went well on Saturday. We were brightly colored and in time with the music. That being said I have to note that it is extremely daunting being the only tribal group at a cabaret show. A couple other groups sort of went the tribal route: one had moves while another had outfits(vaguely). What's the difference? Everything you thought when you first heard "bellydancing", the sparkles and bra tops and genie pants, the showgirl look, that is cabaret. We take a different approach. Full skirts, cholis, hipscarves, and turbans made up our outfits. At least if they didn't know what to do with us, we stumped them all the way around. I'm not complaining...well, not really. The show was fun! I want to learn how to sword dance now. It may just be from the music, think punk (the real kind) meets the Middle East. There are all sorts of ideas floating around our troupe now. I love the one that says our "fun" song should be an 80's song. I'm voting Prince. What do you get if you include to two 17 -ish males in a bellydance show? Well, pick a good, driving, dance club beat and let the guys breakdance and you have the makings of a really cool challenge. (For those not as 80's as I tend to be...Challenge is what the dancers used to do...one at a time...trying to outdo each other.) It was a really entertaining dance number. The lady that hosted the show worked out a choreography with one of her sons and his friend. It is kind of scary how easily her moves matched theirs. Wow, really long post. Sorry 'bout that. I'll shut up now. |
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