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August 31, 2004
I adore high school aged kids. They are fun! They have energy....they have drama... I am addicted. This is why I want to be a high school teacher. But I was thinking about something that bothered me all day yesterday. How can 3 little months effect these kids brains and attitudes so much that when they get to campus as freshmen I can't stand them? Even the hoards of children from the Open School (on campus elementary for those of you not in Wyoming), who take over the Union at lunch are less annoying. Maybe it is a turf thing. In high schools I am the minority, as an "adult". Their individual attitudes and behaviors don't stand out as much. At the University though... ~sigh~ They make me feel old. I am NOT old! Another question....but just for those that are in Laramie. Has anyone else had a run in with the fence? Gacck! It is evil...there is no end! I was almost running late to my first class when I noticed that the fencing around Prexies Pasture had changed. Pleasant surprise, you can now walk through! So, I took off down one of the newly paved paths, only to be confronted by another fence that stretched from beyond the engineering building to past Wyo Hall. There is no break in this fence. If you don't get past it at either end, you don't get past. I was about 15 minutes late to class. Getting past the fence wasn't adventure enough...no! Of course my class is in an older building which means flight upon flight of stairs to get up 4 floors, only to have none of the room numbers be in any 'semblance of order. After I had figured out the evil genius of the fencing I watched other students try to win their battles. I even watched one guy toss his backpack over and rely on his childhood climbing skills to scale the fence. Seriously, fess up, how many of you lost at least one battle to the fence? |
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Mandyland |
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